Searching for Gia Certified Jewelry Stores information? Follow the links below to find all the information you need and more.

Retailer Lookup - GIA
    Find a store Retailer Lookup . Search a city or postal code to find retailers who carry GIA-graded diamonds or have GIA-trained staff. Results will include addresses, store hours and directions. With many businesses being affected by COVID-19, store …

Retailers – GIA Store
    GIA’s Retailer Lookup is a free online listing that connects diamond-buying consumers with retailers that carry GIA-graded diamonds or have GIA-trained staff. Upon entering a city or postal code, consumers will find a list of registered retailers, complete with store …

How can I find a retailer whosells diamonds with GIA ...
    GIA’s Retailer Lookup is not a comprehensive list of all retailers who sell GIA-graded diamonds or have GIA-trained staff. Only those who have registered with GIA for the Retailer Lookup will be listed. As a self-registering service, the information provided in retailer listings has not been validated by GIA.

GIA Store
    GIA was founded by Robert M. Shipley, a successful jeweler, entrepreneur and educator, who realized a need for gem knowledge within the industry. Many jewelers knew little about the goods they sold, and the public was disillusioned by misinformation within the jewelry trade. Shipley rose …

We hope that you have found all the necessary information about Gia Certified Jewelry Stores using the links above.