Searching for Jeweler Gem Ruby Rails information? Follow the links below to find all the information you need and more.

How to create a gem in Ruby on Rails? - SoluteLabs
    Apr 24, 2020 · A gem in Ruby programming language is a software package in which Ruby applications or libraries can be distributed in a single format. But, then most of our newbie web developers ask these questions- Why should we create a gem? It is ultimately a rails …

ruby on rails - Requiring a gem inside a gem's rake task ...
    I'm using jeweler to create a gem for Rails 3. The gem contains a rake task and one of the things it does is wiping the DB, so I'm using 'database_cleaner'. I'm specifying the gem dependency inside the gem's Gemfile. gem 'database_cleaner' And in the Rakefile. do gem ... gem.add_dependency 'database_cleaner' end Then inside ...

jeweler your community gem host is the Ruby community’s gem hosting service. Instantly publish your gems and then install them.Use the API to find out more about available gems. Become a contributor and improve the site yourself.. is made possible through a partnership with the greater Ruby community.

#183 Gemcutter & Jeweler - RailsCasts
    Short Ruby on Rails screencasts containing tips, tricks and tutorials. ... sudo gem update --system sudo gem install gemcutter gem tumble gem build uniquify.gemspec gem push uniquify-0.1.0.gem sudo gem install jeweler rake --tasks rake version:write rake version:bump:minor rake gemcutter:release ... Also a nice example of a Ruby Gem. " s.files ...

GitHub - technicalpickles/jeweler: Opinionated tool for ...
    Use RubyGems to install the heck out of jeweler to get started: $ gem install jeweler With jeweler installed, you can use the jeweler command to generate a new project. For the most basic use, just give it a name: $ jeweler hello-gem This requires some Git configuration (like name, email, GitHub account, etc), but jeweler will prompt along the way.

How to convert a rails app to a gem? - Stack Overflow
    I have a ruby on rails app that needs to be gem-ified. Jeweler, helps create basic rubygems. However, how do I package a rails app as a gem? I have a main app that requires my rails app as a gem. I cannot integrate them as the main rails app is to be used as a management app to control smaller apps, running in it as gems/engines.

GitHub - thoughtbot/appraisal: A Ruby library for testing ...
    appraise "rails-3" do gem "rails", "3.2.14" end appraise "rails-4" do gem "rails", "4.0.0" end The dependencies in your Appraisals file are combined with dependencies in your Gemfile , so you don't need to repeat anything that's the same for each appraisal.

#183 Gemcutter & Jeweler - RailsCasts
    Oct 12, 2009 · This command creates the gemspec file, builds the gem and pushes it up to Gemcutter, saving us a lot of work with just a couple of simple rake tasks. Jeweler also provides a handy way to generate new Ruby Gem projects from scratch.

We hope that you have found all the necessary information about Jeweler Gem Ruby Rails using the links above.