Searching for Maggie Fine Jewelry information? Follow the links below to find all the information you need and more.

Maggie Fine Jewelry Facebook
    Maggie Fine Jewelry is at Bushwick. April 7 · New York, NY · DM to see what's available to ship, as we locally source our materials, certain items cannot be made while NYC is paused. Everything is packed in a sterile environment.Followers: 1.1K

Maggie Pearl Boutique Fine Jewelry and Handcrafted Designs
    Welcome to Maggie Pearl! We specialize in acquiring Fine, Unique Jewelry and Accessories at a reasonable cost.

    Please note caution is required with using the dipping solutions on our oxidized pieces, email [email protected] if you have any questions. Do you provide jewelry repairs? We stand by our work and provide repairs need-be on our collection. Email [email protected] for details. We only provide repair services on our own work.

We hope that you have found all the necessary information about Maggie Fine Jewelry using the links above.