Searching for Native Elements Jewelry information? Follow the links below to find all the information you need and more.

Native Elements Jewels
    Gemstone jewelry inspired by the islands and made by hand near the mountains

Native American Jewelry
    Gemstones, sterling silver, and refined jewels all became a part of Native Indian jewelry, and each tribe had their own unique trademarks that identified their art. Two of the most prominent elements in Native American jewelry are gemstones …

White Raven Native Elements
    White Raven Native Elements Purveyors of the finest Native American jewelry, handmade pottery, Zuni fetishes & collector knives.

Native American Jewelry Palms Trading Company
    Most pieces in our Native American jewelry collection are bought directly from the artist (or a close relative) who created it. We have developed personal relationships with many of the artists and often know the history behind a particular piece, and because we have decades of experience buying and selling pieces from Navajo, Hopi, Santo Domingo and Zuni Pueblo artists, our buyers have developed the expertise to evaluate the authenticity of antique Native American Indian jewelry, …

We hope that you have found all the necessary information about Native Elements Jewelry using the links above.