Searching for Othell Rogue Jewelry information? Follow the links below to find all the information you need and more.
Feb 26, 2014 · -{othell classes}-~ treasure hunter ~ pvp damage - 4/5 survivability - 5/5 pve damage - 4/5 the most rounded rogue leaning towards defense, one of the only classes in the game to have a passive resistance to stuns (coming in epeisodion!). hp/cp increases, an extra emergency skill to cancel targetting and has a moderate increase in vital spot ...
Jan 13, 2014 · imo i would take a shield regardless of what rogue you are, because base evasion is a useless stat in pvp terms, and pve is far too easy to ever need evasion to save hit points. angel of death and final ue whenever activated offer way too much evasion that it would be wrong to say that a shield would be a disadvantage to your defense ...
Jul 28, 2018 · Advice for Othell Rogue please. a lot of the newer crazy gear like boss jewelry, but I've been away from lineage for about 2 years or so. 16 Nov 2013 10 Apr 2017 2 dex 1 str leg dye.
Dec 16, 2015 · Advice for Othell Rogue please « on: December 13, 2015, 11:38:57 PM » I thought my character was setup pretty well my setup atm is as follows (I know it's a lot of info to sort through, but I appreciate the time and any legit advice):
Necklaces increase M. Def. of your character. * A character can wear 1 necklace at a time. Necklaces are enchanted with armor enchant scrolls.. List of Necklaces
General Info. There are 3 types of Dragon Accessories: Dragon Ring, Dragon Earring and Dragon Necklace. Dragon Accessories can be enchanted to +10.
Nov 01, 2012 · WTS FEOH (DARK ELF) 96,32% seraph robe set 3x60 Bound apo retributer+4+300 Seraph jewelry immortal robe set + some r jewelry for sub immortal leather set for wynn sub SUBS: 85 wynn on dual, spoiler, phantom ranger char is noblesse, has short, nice name. SOLD!!!!! OTHELL ROGUE...
Jul 03, 2013 · Othell Rogue (DW female) lvl 94,47 - Immortal set + bound apo duals(sa) + tw jewlery price 110$/toon. for a limited time, will sell 2 toons for 160$ (thats 80$/ 94 or 95 toon) for details pm me/ look me up on skype @ dcsilviu89/ submit a "contact us" form @ ...
Cloaks in Lineage II Classic. The Database L2DB.Club, containing various information about Lineage II Classic. All drop and spoil, skills and NPC.
We hope that you have found all the necessary information about Othell Rogue Jewelry using the links above.